
Register for a Grant Review Team and Help Select our Finalists!

Have you ever wanted to serve on a Grant Review Team (GRT) but just didn’t have the time? This may be your year! Grant making at ninety-nine girlfriends is going to look A LOT different this year — streamlined and simplified in order to make room for our strategic planning activities. The whole GRT commitment will take about three weeks and there will be just ONE team meeting on June 10, after which your work would be done!

Watch Your Inboxes to Volunteer for Grantmaking!

Be on the look-out for an email in May about how to join a grant review team and mark your calendars for Saturday, June 10, if you want to participate.

Our grantmaking looks a little different this year because we are engaged in strategic planning and this takes some of the bandwidth from the volunteers running our committees (including Grants Steering Committee). So, we are incorporating a tenet of Trust-Based Philanthropy by investing in current and past community partners. We have invited all of our past Impact Award winners and funded finalists to apply and you all will get to vote on who receives additional funding.

News from Grants Steering Committee

We are so grateful to you, our members, our volunteers, and our nonprofit community for countless hours of hard work and endless amount of grace it takes to get to this point each year.

We're streamlining our grantmaking process for 2023 to make it easier for our non-profit community and ourselves, and so that more of our members can engage and learn through our work in the future. We are centering trust-based philanthropy as we retool and reimagine how best to bring funds to our community, and to learn while we do it. We can't wait to show you what we come up with - stay tuned!

A Wonderful Time was had by All

It was such a gift to be able to gather together to celebrate our Impact Partners and our 2022 work. The music was lively, the food was yummy, and the opportunity to be together in real life was wonderful. Here is the link to the photos from the event for your enjoyment.  The password is Greatroom.  
Please credit Andrea Lonas Photography if you choose to share them on social media.

Grant Review Team Results Are In!

Some exciting news as summer moves into fall! The 2022 Grants Steering Committee and Grant Review Teams (“GRTs”) are delighted to announce that 20 semifinalists have been chosen from among the 131 grant applications that ninety-nine girlfriends received in June. Our GRTs have worked really hard to advance organizations that inspire them and align with our 2022 Funding Priority and Guiding Principles.

What Is Trust-Based Philanthropy (TBP)?

In preparation for the coming months of our grantmaking process, we encourage you to learn more about how ninety-nine girlfriends’ grantmaking is grounded in trust.

The giving circle model is built on large amounts of trust: trust between members, trust between grantees, trust in collective giving.

Grants Steering Committee Update

Have you been in the eye of a hurricane? It is calm and quiet in an eerie way. That is where most of the Grants Steering Committee is now, in the eye of the hurricane. The Impact Award application was released on May 6. While we are waiting for the flurry of applications (due June 6) and the hard work of the Grant Review Teams (GRTs) to begin in earnest, we are enjoying the relative quiet. This lull involves the Outreach Team answering the questions of potential applicants and the Intake Team learning how to use our intake software. But, while some of us are enjoying the pause, one of our teams, the Grant Review Team Coordination Team (GRTCT), is fully in the storm. These Girlfriends are preparing trainings for our GRTs on consensus building and implicit bias within the framework of ninety-nine girlfriends grants. They are also planning a training for the entire Grants Steering Committee on Trust Based Philanthropy, which is essential to the work we do. We are filled with gratitude for the GRTCT for preparing us all for the next big push! Onward!

Share Your Matching Funds

Do you have access to matching funds? We’d love to help you access those to amplify our work. We’ve been able to do great things in the past as a result of the generosity of our members and their matching funds. We’ve increased our grant pool, used them for the Fellows, tried out a scholarship program, and more. We guarantee if you share your matching funds with ninety-nine girlfriends they will be used with wisdom and discretion. Let us know if you’d like to learn more or if we can help you access matching funds.

Contributing to Our Community

Our 2022 grant-making cycle is now open and we are excited to announce that we are investing $450,000 in our community this year. We will grant one Impact Award of $70,000 and one Finalist Award of $15,000 in each of our five focus areas. Plus, all semi-finalists that don't advance to the next round, will receive a recognition gift of $2,500.

2022 Grant Applications Are Open!

Ninety-nine girlfriends 2022 grant making cycle is now open! We are thrilled to announce that we will invest $450,000 in our community this year. We will grant one Impact Award of $70,000 and one Finalist Award of $15,000 in each of our five focus areas. Plus, semi-finalists that don’t advance will receive a recognition gift of $2,500.

Help Spread The Word!

This year, ninety-nine girlfriends will fund organizations from five focus areas that are working to dismantle systemic racism, advance anti-racism, and move our region towards racial equity. These FAQ and definitions provide additional information about our 2022 Funding Priority and process. Funds may be used for general operating or project support and impact partners can choose to have funds disbursed in one year or over the course of two years. Our Timeline provides key dates for application review, decision-making, and payment.

Grantee Partner Highlight

“The funds received from ninety-nine girlfriends helped pay the salary of a full-time, bilingual, registered Nurse Manager. The addition of this new position was critical for ensuring we were able to adapt from a walk-in to an appointment-based model. This appointment-based model allowed us to pre-screen patients for COVID-19 symptoms, have fewer patients in the clinic at one time, and better protect patients, volunteer providers and staff from potential exposure to COVID-19 and other illnesses. The Nurse Manager is an integral part of the medical team, who oversees the day-to-day operations of patient services. This includes providing direct patient care and supervising medical assistants and volunteers. This position was also vital for implementing the new electronic medical record system and developing policies and procedures around its use.” – Free Clinic

The Awards Celebration was a HIT!

If you missed the Awards Celebration and Membership Kickoff we invite you to view it here. Coty Raven Morris was inspiring and we got to learn how our impact partners are already putting their awards to work in impactful ways. What a wonderful opportunity to learn more from them about how our grants are truly creating positive change.

How Embedding Trust-based Philanthropy Has Impacted Meet the Finalists

As you have likely heard, we are well on the way to shifting to trust-based philanthropy in our grantmaking and education at ninety-nine girlfriends. This shift is weaving its way through all that we do including events like Meet the Finalists. In the past, we have asked our finalists to make presentations to us about why we should choose them to be funded. We’ve had a lot of conversations about how we might be able to do this differently or better with the goal of centering fairness and equity for each of our finalists.

TBP + Grantee Partner Convening Inspires!

Sunday's event was a success! A panel of Grants Steering Committee members shared how we are evolving to include more and more tenets of trust-based philanthropy (tbp) and grantee partners discussed their experiences with this more equitable form of funding in three facilitated breakout rooms.

RSVP for the Awards Celebration on December 5!

Soon we will be organizing an awesome task force to plan this celebratory event and will have more exciting details in the coming weeks. In the meantime, please get it on your calendar and RSVP so you get all the helpful information as it becomes available.