Grants Steering Committee Update

Have you been in the eye of a hurricane? It is calm and quiet in an eerie way. That is where most of the Grants Steering Committee is now, in the eye of the hurricane. The Impact Award application was released on May 6. While we are waiting for the flurry of applications (due June 6) and the hard work of the Grant Review Teams (GRTs) to begin in earnest, we are enjoying the relative quiet. This lull involves the Outreach Team answering the questions of potential applicants and the Intake Team learning how to use our intake software. But, while some of us are enjoying the pause, one of our teams, the Grant Review Team Coordination Team (GRTCT), is fully in the storm. These Girlfriends are preparing trainings for our GRTs on consensus building and implicit bias within the framework of ninety-nine girlfriends grants. They are also planning a training for the entire Grants Steering Committee on Trust Based Philanthropy, which is essential to the work we do. We are filled with gratitude for the GRTCT for preparing us all for the next big push! Onward!