What Is Trust-Based Philanthropy (TBP)?

In preparation for the coming months of our grantmaking process, we encourage you to learn more about how ninety-nine girlfriends’ grantmaking is grounded in trust.

The giving circle model is built on large amounts of trust: trust between members, trust between grantees, trust in collective giving.

When we approach our giving through this lens of trust, we build on preexisting social connections to amplify our collective giving. And in fact, building trust between our members and the people we seek to serve allows giving circles to fundamentally shift what is possible through our giving.

Trust-based philanthropy is the methodology developed by the Trust-Based Philanthropy Project—a five-year, peer-to-peer funder initiative to address the inherent power imbalances between foundations and nonprofits. Though not typical foundations, giving circles should also embed these principles to redistribute power in service of a more equitable nonprofit sector and stronger philanthropic ecosystem.

Trust-based philanthropy is built on six core values: powersharing, equity, humility, transparency, curiosity, and collaboration. Giving circles already work to break down the barriers between those who give and those who receive, and centering Trust-based philanthropy practices can ensure those good intentions come to light.

Provided by the Trust-Based Philanthropy Project