How Embedding Trust-based Philanthropy Has Impacted Meet the Finalists

As you have likely heard, we are well on the way to shifting to trust-based philanthropy in our grantmaking and education at ninety-nine girlfriends. This shift is weaving its way through all that we do including events like Meet the Finalists. In the past, we have asked our finalists to make presentations to us about why we should choose them to be funded. We’ve had a lot of conversations about how we might be able to do this differently or better with the goal of centering fairness and equity for each of our finalists.

This year, thanks to our education around trust-based philanthropy, we have learned that we can do better on behalf of the finalists while, at the same time, providing Girlfriends with thorough information on which to base their vote.

Also, based on feedback from former Impact Award winners, the format for Meet the Finalists has changed. This year, you will see our finalists interviewed over Zoom by a Girlfriend. The finalists will be coming to us from spaces in which they feel comfortable and prepared to share with us the focus and impact of their work.

The digital Voters’ Guide will land in your inbox around October 18 so you can get familiar with the finalists prior to Meet the Finalists (virtual, October 24, 3-5pm). Informed voters are the best voters! So spend some time with the Voters’ Guide, come to Meet the Finalists to learn more, and then vote! Voting begins at the conclusion of Meet the Finalists and closes on November 1.
