Thanks to all who participated in the June Discovery Forum!

Are you a north? Or a south? What’s your leadership/listening style? What’s the role of philanthropy in addressing the challenges of our region? What’s it like to be a young immigrant in Portland?

This year’s sold-out Discovery Forum was a dynamic blend of learning and reflection. Chris Grumm took the group through an exercise to identify styles of leading and thinking, setting the stage for 5 brief but packed presentations from our Community Study Teams. After each presentation, participants had time to talk about each focus area in ways to help shape future personal thinking about how to be engaged.

We were treated to two performances by young writers who are part of the Spit/WRITE program. Led by S. Renee Mitchell, this program helps young people in local schools develop their voice and perform spoken word pieces for adults and communities. Victor Garcia’s piece about his journey’s and sophomore Mekde Shilete’s performance about social connections in schools gave new depth to our understandings.

Special thanks to the Community Study Team Members who worked through the spring collecting and analyzing information about our region’s work in our five focus areas. 

o   ARTS & CULTURE: Andra, Morley, Deborah E, Terri

o   EDUCATION: Elise, Gina A, Katherine B, Peggy Shultz, Laurie C

o   ENVIRONMENT & SUSTAINABILITY: Kathi M, Lisa A, Pam, Victoria 

o   FAMILY & HUMAN SERVICES: Betty, Emily F, Jane, Marnie 

o   HEALTH & WELLNESS: Tammy, Elizabeth M, Linda S, Janet 

Shout out to member Vicky Trabosh, who did an exemplary job coaching all the presenters. Nancy Johnson, our ultimate design guru, laid out the five At-a-Glance reports, that you can find below. These are two page information sheets prepared by our members for our members.

CLICK the focus area below to see the report. 

Arts & Culture


Environment & Sustainability

Family & Human Services

Health & Wellness