What do 250+ members say about their ninety-nine girlfriends experiences? A lot!

In Dec-Jan, we launched our 2019 members feedback survey to find out how members felt about their experiences and what they say as the impact of their participation in ninety-nine girlfriends. We also asked for feedback about our future direction. Despite this being the weirdest time to get feedback (over the holidays???), we had an extremely high response rate. Thank you!

What we learned:

  • 2019 members were active—nearly half attended 3+ events; time constraints the main barrier to involvement. Comments: I appreciate how well-run all events were: on time and informative with focused, high-quality info.

  • Members’ main motivations to stay involved are to leverage their dollars to make a difference; they also value the connections with other women. Comments: To feel like I'm a part of something meaningful. To share my energy and gifts with the community and to learn from others and their gifts.

  • While relatively few members say they’re volunteering or giving more to local nonprofits as a result of being girlfriends, they’re more knowledgeable, more strategic. Comments: I am more confident in my knowledge of the local nonprofit landscape. I feel more connected to the community. 

  • About half visit the website at least occasionally; just over a third have explored the members-only section. The member directory is mentioned most often. Several girlfriends say that they use it, but more are frustrated that it isn’t more filled out—or don’t seem to be aware of it at all.

  • More than half our respondants indicated strong interest in workshops about implicit bias, social change frameworks and how philanthropy influences policy. 

What’s changing because of this feedback?

  • We’ve added new elements to strengthen member connections. We piloted the Dynamic Duo at our Love & Gratitude Party with 45 pairs signing up. We’ll offer this again at The Engagement Party and the December Celebration. Make a new friend to hang with at ninety-nine girlfriends events or to do other things together for fun and/or social action!

  • Our newly established Communications Committee is updating our website, expanding our social media, and taking the lead in streamlining communications. The newsletter has been named ninety-nine news – watch for it in your in-box every two months or so!

  • We’re using the interest information about workshop topics and collective action priorities to shape member education and grants planning for the future. 

  • We’re following up with individuals who offered help finding meeting spaces, sponsoring events and helping with other aspects of our all-volunteer effort.

Special thanks to Tong Zang and Jeanne Malarkey for analyzing the data!

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