Find a Volunteer Spot That Works for You!

Ninety-nine girlfriends is an all-volunteer organization and we have lots of different opportunities available that will allow you to help out whether you have a little time or a lot and whether you have experience or not.

Please think about the time and skills you have to offer and/or an area where you’d like to learn or develop more skills and reach out to us. We promise there will be no hard sell; just an opportunity to learn about the different ways you can engage.

Some examples of openings:

Name Tag Manager - organizes and maintains the physical name tags for in-person events - time commitment is minimal - this opportunity can be shared by two Girlfriends who work as a team

Events Team Members - work together to arrange venues, catering, decorations, and volunteers for in-person events - time commitment is flexible and based on the number and type of events - this opportunity can be shared by numerous Girlfriends to make the work more fun and flexible

To learn more about what is available and how you might find the opportunity that is right for you, email us!