Volunteer Spotlight: Holly Cook & Sara Daley

Sara Daley & Holly Cook

Holly Cook

What brought you to ninety-nine girlfriends?

A neighbor told me about ninety-nine girlfriends one evening as we were walking home from a get-together. She said something like "I wonder if you would be interested in this group I'm in. It's a group of women. We each put in $1,100 and....". I zoned out thinking that she was going to say something about getting a list of women's names, you send each woman on the list a pair of underwear and then, when your name gets to the top of the list, you get eleventy thousand pairs of new underwear! But then I heard her say, "...and then we give all the money away." What?! Please say that again. I had never heard of a collective giving circle. The idea of pooling resources, learning about the needs of our community and participatory philanthropy all alongside women who were interested in similar goals...well now that is exciting! You can keep your underwear. I was hooked.

Why do you volunteer?

This is such a great question. First, I acknowledge the immense privilege I have to be in a place where volunteering is possible for me. That said, I volunteer because I can. Because I enjoy it. Because volunteering strengthens my connection with my community. Because the world is uncertain and upsetting and volunteering is grounding and hopeful. Basically, volunteering fills my bucket. Volunteering also comes with the responsibility to learn about community needs and cultural differences. As a white person, I have unearned power which can (and does) inflict harm on the communities I intend to help. Learning about that is so important for my own growth as a human. I try to show up with sleeves rolled up, but also with an open heart and a beginner's mindset. And a clean pair of underwear.

Sara Daley

What brought you to ninety-nine girlfriends?

"Every moment I give is a gift right back! I am learning, growing and connecting up a storm through our grantmaking work. Every Girlfriend I encounter has something to teach me, and you stoke my stove with the one thing I need most...HOPE, and a path towards something better. There is no juggling act I'd rather do - so grateful to you Girlfriends!"