Collective Giving Circles: A National Movement

The world of giving circles has been expanding, with a surge of growth in the past 5 years. In addition to women’s collective giving circles like ours, which pool funds and resources to impact a specific community or issue, a host of other kinds of giving circles are forming. Philanthropy Together, a coalition of collective giving networks, notes that there are over 2,000 giving circles in the U.S. today, involving over 150,000 people, and having contributed over $1.3 billion to community issues.

A recent article, Can Giving Circles Democratize Philanthropy?, highlights a 2016 study about giving circles that reported giving circles contribute more strategically, involve more “everyday philanthropists” and provide a vehicle for collective action focused on social justice.

Giving circles may be organized around a locale, an issue, or a set of values. More and more giving circles are moving beyond giving financial support to engage members in using their voices to advocate for social change or create opportunities for members to more directly support grantee partners and community collaborations. We’re excited to be part of a movement!