Spotlight Study: Improving Stewardship of our Natural World

Event Date: October 8, 2020
Presentation Materials:
Report | Recording | Slides
Contributing Girlfriends:
Barbara Long, Gretchen Hall. Holly Smithwick, Kaye Gardner-O'Kearny, Pam Hayes, Patricia Frobes, Wynne Furth

Heat islands, pesticides and black carbon diesel pollution. These threats impact both our natural environment and our collective health. Learn from this Spotlight team about the specific actions you as an individual can take to become an effective steward of the natural world and influence sustainability policy. 

The Improving Stewardship of Our Natural World Spotlight Report describes several policy initiatives that have the power to make our world more resilient and mitigate the disproportionate adverse effects on our most vulnerable frontline communities. Several organizations are highlighted for their advocacy, including five groups that ninety-nine girlfriends has already funded (such as Xerces Project, Friends of the Columbia Gorge, Eco, Bark and Friends of Zenger Farm). Want to dive deeper? This report includes a wide-ranging bibliography with links to both highly scientific and easy to digest publications.

The October presentation featured guests PSU Professor Vivek Shandas and APANO’s Mai Yee Yuan.