Links from Girlfriends

Listen: Reimaging the Nonprofit World Podcast

Here’s a recent podcast about the nonprofit sector on the Nonprofit Association of Oregon’s “Public Space”. Listen to local innovator and nonprofit leader Shari Dunn talk about Reimagining the Nonprofit World, with comments about philanthropy, racial equity and more. This podcast is about 25 minutes long, and you can read the transcript instead if you prefer.

Read: How to be Anti-Racist articles

Many of us are reading, listening, taking action and discussing issues of race in response to the murder of George Floyd and the subsequent protests and actions to address systemic racism and policy brutality in our country. In addition to the resources we and others have shared with members through emails, member Tammy Wilhoite offers two additional resources:

Read: Philanthropy and Race article

Member Elizabeth Mehren shared a great article from the May 1, 2020 New York Times: In Philanthropy, Race Is Still a Factor in Who Gets What, Study Shows by Paul Sullivan.

And another Elizabeth in our membership, Elizabeth Klein, shared statistics and resources about racial issues in our community that are relevant to our collective action. This material, from Multnomah County Chair Deborah Kafoury’s e-newsletter sheds light on the effects of COVID-19 that are disproportionately impacting communities of color.

Read: COVID-19 & Philanthropy resources

The Chronicle of Philanthropy has assembled a great set of resources to help nonprofits and philanthropies respond to the COVID-19 and continue to operate during these challenging times. Want info on how to manage, lead and communicate during a crisis, or advice on technology solutions and remote work? Read Responding to the Coronavirus Outbreak: Resources for Nonprofits by Marjie Glennon, March 12, 2020.

An article about Native American leadership in environmental/climate issues caught our eye,
Protecting the Earth, Protecting Ourselves: Stories from Native America in the Nonprofit Quarterly March 2020 magazine reminds us of the role that Native American communities have been playing in conservation, preservation and environmental justice, and our how we can join together for stewardship.

Read: The Role of Philanthropy in Systems Change article

This year, the ninety-nine girlfriends “learning question” is how can philanthropy influence policy? We’ll be hosting a Discovery Forum in the Spring about this, exploring ways that foundations, collective giving circles and individuals can leverage our resources to advance positive social change. Here’s an article that provides a thoughtful overview and examples of how we can do this. The Role of Philanthropy in Systems Change by Kris Putnam-Walkerly written in 2017.