Let us Know if You're Planning to Renew by Check, DAF or Stock Transfer?

To help ensure your membership contribution is properly processed when paying other than by credit card online, it’s very helpful to sign up or renew via our website (Join or Renew 2024), which automatically lets us know which membership level you want ($300, $600, $1200, $1800, or $2500) and whether the funds will be coming via a check or stock transfer. 

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Some Girlfriends make their annual membership contributions by sending a personal check or by having a check sent from their brokerage account or donor-advised fund at our PO Box. Other Girlfriends make their contribution by initiating a stock transfer directly to our investment account. We appreciate each and every contribution and are pleased to receive funds by any of these methods and by credit card. 

If your payment will be coming via a brokerage or investment firm, please email us to let us know you have requested the check and include the name of the fund, the account name, the date and amount requested, and the approximate date the payment is expected to be made (if known). If you received an acknowledgement from the fund custodian when the request was made, please forward that. These small steps help ensure we know your intentions and can accurately and efficiently connect funds received to the proper donor. Questions about this process? Contact us.