Make an Impact - Join the Membership Committee!

If you have been looking for a way to have fun, learn and contribute - we have a couple of truly awesome opportunities on the Membership Committee! 

We need:

  • Someone to learn and take on the back-end processing for membership. Lori has been doing this for several years and will be there every step of the way if you need her. This work involves managing our membership database, setting up payment processing, helping members resolve issues with their profile or payments, and tracking and reconciling our membership numbers in the spring. The position is flexible and not that time consuming. The bulk of the work is in late fall, to make sure we are ready to open membership in early December, and in the spring. It does need someone who is detail oriented and can respond in a reasonable time frame if members need help.

  • Someone to coordinate and drive our membership recruiting events in the spring. We believe it is time to evolve beyond our traditional recruiting model of hosting world cafes in members' homes.  We already have some great ideas from members. We need someone who can gather a few more ideas, decide what we want to try this year and make those happen. We are so excited that we will likely be able to gather in person this spring (fingers crossed). If you like the idea of figuring out how to reach new members, knowing that you aren't starting from scratch, we'd love to have you.

If you are interested in learning more - or being involved in some other way in membership - please reach out to Lori or Kaye.