Volunteer Spotlight: Barbara Hilyer

Barbara Hilyer

Barbara Hilyer

I joined ninety-nine girlfriends in the first year, 2016. I was invited by an old friend who had recently moved to Portland; I had not heard of it and did not know anyone else involved. Since I moved to Portland after having retired, I didn’t know many people in town and was looking to make more connections, as well as learn more about the needs of the community. Having spent my career in public education, I had always been involved in direct service and had never considered being involved in philanthropy. That seemed like something out of my league.

I have been a volunteer since I was a teenager, but I belong in three different communities: one in British Columbia off the grid, and one in Hilo, Hawaii, therefore, I am often gone from Portland, so it wasn’t possible for me to volunteer on a consistent basis. The Girlfriends allow the opportunity to participate when it fits my schedule. That allows me to stay involved year after year in many different roles. I have served on a grant review team, on member education, on racial equity, and on the governing board. I have had the opportunity to work with many competent, compassionate women with a broad variety of work experience. My horizons have been expanded and my heart made full with new friendships and acquaintances.  

Primarily, I love the idea that we give substantial resources to the local community. I love knowing that our contributions make lives better for people. I love learning about the organizations that we fund and seeing all the incredibly dedicated people who work for them. It gives me hope and heart.