New Member Number Coming Soon

As you know, our deadline to renew for 2022 was April 23. We are in the midst of finalizing our membership number and are excited to share that with you soon. Before I joined the membership committee, I wondered why it took extra time to figure out how many members we have. In case you’re curious too, here’s my short answer. We have a lot of different ways Girlfriends join and pay. With the rush of renewals at the end, it takes us a while to sync those up. And we usually need to reach out to a few members with questions.  

If you have renewed, thank you for joining us for another year. And if you’ve chosen not to do so, thank you for your past participation. I’m looking forward to another year of collectively supporting our community. And a year where I get to see more faces and give and receive more hugs.

— Kaye, Membership Chair